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How we can help the first time home buyer? assists with home loan programs, grants and down payment assistance for new home buyers. Information is power, find the right program and understand the process of buying a first time house. We have listed Government down payment assistance programs, grants and tax credits by state.
Submit Some Basic Information About Your Needs.
Begin getting matched with programs by submitting basic information. This includes your desired location to purchase a home. Along with the location, you need to provide basic credit and income information. Don't worry, this is just general information. It is used to develop a baseline of available programs that may meet your needs.
Learn About First Time Home Buyer Programs.
Once you submit the basic information it will be be reviewed to see if it matches with available home loans, grants and assistance programs. There are many variables as well as numerous programs, so not every question can be asked. But we will do our very best to match you with a program!
Work With A Program Specialist To Get You A New Home.
Depending on your information and location, programs may vary. We may need to narrow down what assistance, grants and/or home loans may be available and that are the best matches for you. A specialist will be available to review your request for home loan assistance programs and will provide you with further guidance.

What are first time home buyer programs?

First time home buyer programs is a general term used for the multitude of home loan and assistance programs for first time home buyers. Although, many of these programs are designed for people that have never owned before, they are also used to promote home ownership in certain geographic areas. They may allow for a person who has sold or transferred a home at least 3 years prior to be able to use some of these buying programs. So, if you have owned a home in another state and are re-locating, you may be considered a first time home buyer. There can be thousands of programs designed to assist with down payment and closing costs. They may be offered by the Government (Federal, State and Local) or private organizations such as churches, community groups, non-profits and corporations. With all these options, qualifications and requirements, availability may vary greatly. It is often hard for a potential home buyer to determine how to move forward. Let us help you, request more information about home buying programs.

There are several types of first time home buyer assistance programs.

First time home buyer programs.
You are a first time home buyer and you are in need of down payment and closing cost help. So, where do you turn? Often States and local government programs are offered to assist with these needs.  In order to help you locate a program in your area we have created the First time home buyer program directory. These programs tend to change often, qualifications and availability may vary. Therefor, it is essential that your mortgage professional understands the guidelines for qualification. We also recommend that you, as a home shopper, visit the local program's website and read the qualifications.
First time home buyer grants.
In addition to government grants, private organizations likes community groups and religious organizations may also offer grant programs. Some may be gifts and are forgivable, while others are called grants but may not mean that they are "free money".  There could be terms of repayment required and a lien may also be placed on the property. Qualifications may vary. Check out our First time home buyer grant directory. Although it includes many grant programs, they may change and funds may expire. So it is critical to check the locality you are buying a home in to verify availability.
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